Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Laundry. vs Mum.

I was visiting my mum, and while I was over I tossed in a load of laundry. So I'm loading the washing machine and my mum sees me and starts questioning my Laundry abilities.
"What are you doing?"
"Just a load of laundry Mum,"
"WHAT!!, that's not how you do laundry!!"
Now to set the stage, I'm a Grown man, a Father, and I've been doing my own laundry ever since I was old enough to leave questionable stains on my night clothes. I know how to do laundry. And I should point out that I am a pretty casual, low maintainance type of guy, i wear jeans and black tshirts and a bandanna. sometimes a sweater. Ok, a kilt sometimes but that is a special case and not part of the story.

"What's the problem?"
"You don't do Laundry like that!!, you didn't seperate your colours or your whites!"

In the Laundry load in question the colours consised of one old red bandanna which had no chance of the colours running, and one pair of white sox.
I remember having this conversation 15 years ago, and i wonder why i'm having it again now. I mean, it's not like my clothes dont' get clean, It's obviously just a Mum thing. I dont' really mind,
though, it's how my mum expresses her love.

Love ya mum,

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