Thursday, December 20, 2007

I realize what i'm missing,..

I love being Single. The freedom to do what you want, the flexibility to do it when you want, are truly priceless. My sex life is good, great even. But there's something missing, Something I don't even notice I'm missing - that is until I have it for a second.

Point in case, Last night I was at a friends house, watching a movie and we are curled up on her couch, and she leans back, rests her head on my chest and sighs. And at that moment in time I realized that it is these small moments of comfort, those fleeting instants of peace and companionship that truly make life wonderful.

And those are precisely the moments that are hardest to find while single.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely relate. However, those moments can be found while single. I am learning to find peace within, letting love begin with me.
That is probably why the universe has yet to send a special partner my way, with whom to share comfort, peace, and companionship.

Wishing you the same, Michelle :)