Saturday, December 22, 2007

turning points

Another turning point in our trip around the sun, the winter solsice has come and gone. So now as we begin our slow march back to summer it is a good time to reflect on the year gone by, and the year to come.

I had a big year, (and have the receding hairline to prove it) Periods of great joy and utter sorrow, fortunes won and lost, families reunited and dissasembled, fabuouls parties, death of wonderful friends, little tiny babies (i love babies), car accidents, new jobs, old jobs, and numerous brushes with death. My first year in the bus as well.

I'm looking forward to next year, getting out of this apartment and back into my bus, being in my own home again. Setting up my summer camp. Planting a garden again. Working and learning, going to school perhaps. Taking a few trips, I would like to do at least one grand voyage this year, possibly up to the Haida Guaii. Spending as much time as I can with my daughter. Hosting parties again, (it's been a while.) And most of all being able to breath some good air again, and live out of the city.

I celebrated this years passing with a beautiful turkey dinner (mmmm triptofens) cooked by a good friend (who ironicly is vegetarian) It was a great family thing. Watching the children play was great, and having some grownup time with fellow parents was refreshing.

Just for variety the next night I went on a crazy overnight road trip out to a friends birthday which was AWSOME. She had reserved the Ashcroft Opera house which is a great venue to see a show, and as i discovered last night is also a great venue to play in! Great accoustics as well as the atmosphere. I had the opprotunity to play a great set of congas last night (thanks Chris and Stu), Damn I need some conga's!! I must have rode thos babys for a couple of hours! My hands are a little sore, I need to play more I guess. I also had a chance to play my good brother Matts new bass, a 5 string is FUN!! I didn't get home untill 11:00 the next morning, but the drive home was beautiul, sleep deprivation always puts a little glow on everthing!

Happy Holidays, all the best.

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